Counter Programming with Shira & Arielle
Counter Programming with Shira & Arielle is your new favorite coronavirus/COVID-19 distraction podcast. Join this duo as they embark on a quest to bring the world counter programming of all kinds. They'll focus on countertops (namely, they're doing a series on marble, granite, and quartz), time counters, calorie counters, counters of other kinds... Each episode will be a mix of comedy and fun facts that no one knew they ever needed. Shira and Arielle have been friends for 5 years. They met in Jackson, Mississippi during their first job post-college at the Institute of Southern Jewish Life (yes, there are Jews in Mississippi). They lived 4 doors from one another. Now that they're on opposite sides of the country and experiencing intense anxiety due to the constant barrage of bad news surrounding coronavirus, they decided they needed a distraction. This distraction comes in the form of a podcast. Shira and Arielle are bringing you... Counter Programming. Tune in for stories, useless (read v. important) facts, and so much more. Episodes will be released weekly and will be available wherever you get your podcasts.Follow us on Instagram: @counterprogrammingpodFollow Shira on Twitter: @shishimoskFollow Arielle on Twitter: @ariellethisandthatYou can email us at counterprogrammingshiraarielle@gmail.com
Counter Programming with Shira & Arielle
The Final Countdown & Eric Johnson's Favorite Counts
Shira & Arielle
Season 2
It's THE FINAL COUNTDOWN. Today, we're headed to Europe.
Each week on Counter Programming, we bring you stories and info-tainment on any topic with the word "count" or "counter" in its name. You're catching us in our series on musical counters. Last week was all about the Counting Crows. Today, Europe's hit song "The Final Countdown."
We also sit down to chat with Eric Johnson, the founder of BumbleCast, a podcast production company, and host of the podcast Follow Friday.
Listen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9jK-NcRmVcw
Daniel Tureck - sound
Caio Slikta - logo
Jason Shaw - Tennessee Hayride (theme music)
Email us: counterprogrammingshiraarielle@gmail.com
Find us on IG: @counterprogrammingpod