Counter Programming with Shira & Arielle

Bonus: Counter Counter Programming the DNC

August 20, 2020 Shira & Arielle

Hey, Counties!

We've got a bonus episode for you. As you may know, this week the Democratic National Convention is taking place in Milwaukee (and mostly virtually). It's a four night affair stretching from Monday - Thursday, featuring speakers from all walks of life. Highlights include Michelle and Barack Obama, AOC, Bernie Sanders, and of course, the presidential and vice presidential nominees, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

The DNC is formally meant to be a time where the Democratic party nominates their presidential candidate and sets out their platform for the coming four years. It's informally meant to unite the party and bring hope to constituents.

While the DNC is taking place this week, newscasters and radio hosts have been reporting that Trump has been planning to hold counter programming to distract from the DNC's message. We heard this and we thought "Hey! He name-checked our podcast." But more importantly, we are here to bring you counter programming to Trump's counter programming.

In this short episode, we bring you a few fun facts of presidential national conventions of the past. Here's our source.

Our guest today is Jake Feldman, Arielle's across-the-street 10-year-old neighbor. He was very excited to record and learn with us. We hope you enjoy his stories and his questions!

As always, thank you to:
Daniel Tureck, our sound mixer extraordinaire
Jason Shaw, who composed our music
Caio Slikta, for designing our logo
Buzzsprout, the best podcast host in the game.

Catch you next Wednesday with our regularly scheduled programming. In the meantime, check back in our episode archives.

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